Word File

29 January 2010

Peculate: to steal or embezzle.

example: This was no movie-smooth peculation; anyone who had the least suspicion might trace the accounting discrepancies back to him, but nevertheless it worked. Actual people are disinclined to suspect someone as readily as they do in film.


Kathryn said...

Wow! Val. You're blog looks fantastic! And you updated it. Twice! I can't wait to tell you about today. We met up with Mrs. Mattingly in Smithfield and had lunch at a great little bakery. I'll call you tomorrow...

Valerie said...

thanks, Kath. It needed an update (that picture was nigh on two years old, afterall). I'm not yet satisfied with the color scheme--rather minimalist and dry. But I do have a couple of posts scheduled and feel I am getting back into the swing of things.