I always look forward to returning home from school, but moving back in comes with its hassles, too. Where do I stash my year's new supplies of books? My books and I have talked and toiled together, so I cannot give them up, but my shelves are filled. My return, therefore, usually entails some hefty organization. This year I cleared out the top of my closet which held my notebooks from grade

school, high school, and college, as well as a lifetime's worth of letters and birthday wishes, childhood drawings, oh, and other things, making room for all the new.
I love the sunlight streaming through my white curtains. And notice my nightstand? My brass bed was handed down to me from Mom
and Dad; my Dad painted it for me.
This is my little sitting area. I found the bentwood rocker at someone's curbside on bulk pick up day (my favorite day in the neighborhood). When I went back to pick it up with the car (it was a neighborhood a long ways away from my own), its little legs were sticking up out of the trashcan. I re-upholstered it and Dad reinforced it. It was my first piece of furniture. That little copper bar beside the chair is my doorstop so that Reg can wander in and out at his leisure.

Here are my wibbly wobbly bookshelves. Sometimes the doors fall off in my hand and the drawers are hard to open, but I love the storage it provides for my books, teacups, pictures, hat stands, and music. Off to the side is my rather buxom dressmaker's dummy. I still need to sew a cover for her so that she's my size.
But thank you for stopping by--always glad to have visitors.
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