Reggie and the Rainy Dilemma
21 November 2009
19 November 2009
18 November 2009
example: "That was a stirring speech you gave in there, Mr. President."
"Mr. President?"
We shuffled uncomfortably out, and as I closed the door softly behind me, I saw him put his face in his hands and weep.
16 November 2009
Perhaps it seems over-the-top?
It is. Enjoy it.
Pumpkin Cheesecake Brownies
recipe by Cara's Cravings
Brownie Batter
3/4 cup butter, melted
1 cup sugar
1 tbsp pure vanilla extract
2 eggs
1/2 cup all purpose flour
1/2 cup cocoa powder
1/4 tsp salt
2 tsp cinnamon
Cheesecake Batter
6 oz cream cheese, softened
1 egg
1/3 cup sugar
2 tbsp flour
1/2 cup pumpkin puree
1/4 tsp pure vanilla extract
1/2 tsp cinnamon
1/4 tsp each ground ginger and ground cloves
Preheat oven to 350F. Grease an 8x8" square metal baking pan.
Beat together melted butter, sugar, and vanilla, then beat in eggs one at a time. Combine dry ingredients and then gradually stir into butter mixture with a wooden spoon. In separate bowl, beat together cheesecake batter ingredients.
Spread about 2/3 of chocolate batter into prepared pan, and spoon cheesecake batter over. Dollop remaining brownie batter over cheesecake batter. Swirl the batters together by running a butter knife back and forth through the pan.
Bake for 40 minutes, or until center is set. Cool completely on wire rack and chill before cutting and serving.
*This makes a good treat to take to the next pumpkin party to which you're invited. And the best part is that if guests eye the combination of chocolate and pumpkin dubiously, you'll get to take more home!
14 November 2009
example: Like the rootbound basil on her windowsill which had ceased to grow, so she, immured within her sentimental recollections, had ceased to participate in the present.
12 November 2009
Spiced Pumpkin Hot Cocoa
an Eggs on Sunday original recipe
serves 3
For the hot cocoa:
3 cups milk
1/2 cup canned pumpkin or pumpkin puree (not pumpkin pie filling)
2 tablespoons Dutch process cocoa
1/2 teaspoon cinnamon
1/8 teaspoon ground nutmeg
1/8 teaspoon ground ginger
1/8 teaspoon ground cloves
2 tablespoons maple syrup (I substitute brown sugar for the costly syrup)
maple whipped cream:
1/4 cup heavy cream
2 teaspoons maple syrup
any of the following for dusting on top: cinnamon, nutmeg, cloves, ginger, raw sugar
*note: I make up a concentrate of this and keep it in the fridge. When fancy strikes, I need only add the rest of the milk and cart it to the microwave.
10 November 2009
"This stark division and parallelism between a visual and an auditory world was both crude and ruthless, culturally speaking. The phonetically written word sacrifices worlds of meaning and perception that were secured by forms like the hieroglyph and the Chinese ideogram . . . Many centuries of ideogrammic use have not threatened the seamless web of family and tribal subtleties of Chinese society. On the other hand, a single generation of alphabetic literacy suffices in Africa today, as in Gaul two thousand years ago, to release the individual initially, at least, from the tribal web. This fact has nothing to do with the content of the alphabetized words; it is the result of the sudden breach between the auditory and the visual experience of man. Only the phonetic alphabet makes such a sharp division in experience, giving to its user an eye for an ear, and freeing him from the tribal trance of resonating word magic and the web of kinship . . . Separateness of the individual, continuity of space and of time, and uniformity of codes are the prime marks of literate and civilized societies."
("The Written Word: An Eye for an Ear" in Understanding Media: The Extensions of Man by Marshall McLuhan)
06 November 2009
example: The student's sesquipedalian sentences clamored dissonantly out from the essay, and the professor ran her hand over her aching brow. A thesaurus in the hands of an undergraduate is deadly.
04 November 2009
example: He shook his head and slapped his cheek vigorously but presently the scene dislimned into smudges of greying color and muffling sound. He closed his eyes and slept.
02 November 2009
example: His celeritous exit conveyed the embarrassment he felt over his faux pas.
30 October 2009
"I think this is an awfully immoral job of ours. I do, really. Think how we spoil the digestions of the public."
"Ah, yes--but think how earnestly we strive to put them right again. We undermine 'em with one hand and build 'em up with the other. The vitamins we destroy in the canning, we restore in Revito, the roughage we remove from Peabody's Piper Parritch we make up into a package and market as Bunbury's Breakfast Bran; the stomachs we ruin with Pompayne, we re-line with Peplets to aid digestion. And by forcing the damn-fool public to pay twice over--once to have its food emasculated and once to have the vitality put back again, we keep the wheels of commerce turning and give employment to thousands."
20 October 2009
example: "Well now I think this here is none o' your business, I do, and another thing..." The man stuck his thumbs in his tattered lapels and commenced a grand peroration in which he proclaimed the evils of the judicial system, the savagery of the free market, the oppression of organized religion, and the general unpleasantness associated with having to wear shoes when he entered the station.
" two left feet, that's what, and I says to the bobby I says, here now what kind of a scam are you runnin'? It's a conspiracy...
"... and I can't 'elp it if...
"... I mean the popes and the cardinals and the senators are all in it together...
" ...she threw me out; literally tossed my bag ..."
Obviously his beer-bathed eloquence would get me nowhere. I turned the corner and hailed a cab.
07 October 2009
06 October 2009
And she has a book, Made From Scratch: Discovering the Pleasures of a Handmade Life, which I've put on my to-read list. You can find it here.
13 September 2009
29 August 2009

What did you think?
Media does influence the way we work and think, and it is good practice to consider how the internet affects us now and how it might affect us in the future. For example, consider how the telegraph changed our discourse and the way we relate to information (see Amusing Ourselves to Death by Neil Postman for the original presentation of this concept). News was no longer limited to proximity, in a sense resulting in the “annihilation of space,” as Postman calls it. By and by, information became delocalized, more abundant, and, consequently, less relevant (frankly I’m not as affected by something that happened to someone I’d never heard of who lives somewhere I’ve never been as by reading about something that happened to the woman I see every week when I buy my groceries). This video addresses that problem we face of information inundation and trivialization with its focus on the fabricated “Googlezon,” a merge between Google and Amazon that allows for total customization of content that, in a sense, makes irrelevant information relevant again. Its intriguing presentation seems to address the need for balance between customization and privacy.
26 August 2009

and to turn over and do it again.
22 August 2009
Nerves are starting to set in for classes, however. It's been over a year since I was in school, and I feel my thinking powers and time management skills have gotten rusty. That, and my computer rebelled against the new school year yesterday by contracting a virus; poor thing is now at the computer help center for a couple of days undergoing a manual cleaning. I'm just grateful it happened before things really pick up. Really grateful.
But here's to a fresh week, a fresh semester, and a fresh computer.
19 August 2009

I'm terribly excited about my purchases as well: quart-size coffee press (now more than one can enjoy coffee at a time!), Misto oil sprayer (no disposable aerosol spray can for me), and a full length mirror (so that's what those shoes look like with that dress...). It feels good to have all the errands completed and the time to settle down to a cup of hot tea and a cookie.
17 August 2009
So what's up for the next few days? Finishing up that ever-present upholstery job is hitting the top of the priority list as well as scheduling a nasty Td booster shot with campus health...oh and buying textbooks because someone says I have classes starting up soon? Seriously?
But I'm so excited to begin studying again. M and I walked around campus yesterday and it really is gorgeous--I'm especially excited about Manning Hall, where all of my INLS classes will be. As I didn't bring my camera I haven't got any photos to share, so you'll just have to take me at my word that it really is picturesque.
Oh and should you come to visit anytime soon, we'll have to get frozen yogurt at the Yogurt Pump off Franklin. That's really good stuff.
04 August 2009
Welcome to
my little place
in Carrboro.
here's a close up of one my favorite spots in the whole apartment--complete with my ever-present clear glass canisters and mixing bowls and things I love to use.
I still have much to do before I'm finished dressing up these various niches, but I couldn't wait to share what I've done thus far. I think I was made to set up house.
Later on this month (when I have internet at the Little Place), I plan to give you a proper tour, replete with details and chatty household tips. Stop on by in about a month!
27 July 2009
but they'll come...
12 July 2009
--painted white (my answer to everything), wouldn't they look stunning in a nook in the living room or kitchen or even the bedroom? And no, I am not buying furniture off of ebay; scrolling through is simply how I appease my craigslist addiction.
collect for the day
that the course of this world may be so peaceably ordered by thy governance,
that thy Church may joyfully serve thee in all godly quietness;
through Jesus Christ our Lord.
Fifth Sunday after Trinity
11 July 2009
- worked 44 hours
- continued reading Miriam's Kitchen (Elizabeth Ehrlich)
- finished reading Winesburg, Ohio (Sherwood Anderson)
- began reading The Vicar of Wakefield (Oliver Goldsmith)
- finally attended the monthly potluck at church (as well I should have since they were bidding me goodbye)
- painted my dining chairs bright white
- found another dining chair off Craigslist and now have four white chairs and one vanilla-toned chair...ah well
- walked with Kris and Brandon over a busy highway for an ice cream cone
- began packing my books up
- weeded out my alterations bins
- witnessed the culmination of a $300 fine at the library (check your interlibrary loans carefully, people!)
- settled on mints and aquas for my kitchen colors
- got in to two waitlisted classes and now am taking all basic core classes
- bought my pantry staples and cannot wait to use them!
04 July 2009
- worked 35 hours
- continued reading Miriam's Kitchen (Elizabeth Ehrlich)
- continued reading Winesburg, Ohio (Sherwood Anderson)
- helped move Kristen and Brandon into their new apartment (closer to my family's house!)
- came face to face with a thief
- found the deal of the week at Salvo: $22 KitchenAid (sage green) with all three attachments
- found the deal of the week at Thrift Store USA: 5 yards of off-white upholstery fabric for $1.50
- dried my laundry on the sun-warmed deck
- ripped the hideous orange-flowered fabric off my arm chair in preparation for reupholstering it; it already looks better
- celebrated Independence Day at Kris and Brandon's new place with family and friends
02 July 2009
found via Darling Dexter
29 June 2009
"Seven Stanzas at Easter" |
By John Updike Make no mistake: if He rose at all It was not as the flowers, The same hinged thumbs and toes, Let us not mock God with metaphor, The stone is rolled back, not papier-mache, And if we will have an angel at the tomb, Let us not seek to make it less monstrous, Telephone Poles and Other Poems © 1961 by John Updike |
28 June 2009
and grant that we, to whom thou hast given an hearty desire to pray, may,
by thy mighty aid,
be defended and comforted in all dangers and adversities;
through Jesus Christ our Lord. Amen.
Book of Common Prayer 1928
27 June 2009
- worked 50 hours
- ticked off a lady at Hancock's who used the adjective "smart ass" to describe those of us who were helping her
- was called "really pretty" by a little girl at Hancock's
- finished reading Anne of Green Gables (L.M. Montgomery) and fell in love with Gilbert all over again
- started reading Winesburg, Ohio (Sherwood Anderson)
- continued reading Tolkien: a Biography (Michael White)
- finished every bit of nasty paperwork associated with the upcoming school year--including my loan application and financial aid consent form
- finally finally finally sent in my thanks-but-no-thanks letters to University of Kentucky and University of Maryland
- painted my computer cart a disappointing green
- used the amazing new copier at the Crisis Pregnancy Center which duplexes, sorts, and staples the wad of papers one shoves in it
- found some fabulous deals at local thrift stores including a tea pot and a large glass canister ($3.19 for both) and a J. Crew sundress ($2.25)
- recovered my dining chairs
- am just beginning to understand the attitude of thankfulness
21 June 2009
Mercifully accept our prayers;
and because through the weakness of our mortal nature,
we can do no good thing without thee,
grant us the help of thy grace,
that in keeping thy commandments we may please thee,
both in will and in deed;
through Jesus Christ our Lord.
1st Sunday after Trinity
Book of Common Prayer 1928
20 June 2009
Her eyes searched his for one modicum of recognition but found none. He stamped his ticket, placed it neatly within the pockets of his billfold, and thrust himself calmly into the jostling crowd with nothing but 8:01 Bedford on his mind.
This Week I ...
- worked 44 hours
- continued to read Tolkien: A Biography (Michael White)
- started to read Anne of Green Gables (Lucy Maud Montgomery)
- finished reading Babbitt (Sinclair Lewis)
- met a lovely girl named Heather at the library
- found an affordable three-shelf rolling cart for my computer!
- worked on a little something for my kitchen
- implemented a new tidying system for my terribly cluttered bedroom: every time I enter, I put away three things (no more and no fewer)
- took advantage of Tropical Smoothie Cafe's National Flip-Flop Day giveaway
- signed up for the summer reading program at the Central Library
- discovered I was calling a regular patron by the wrong name for months
- ate buttery-smooth cookies-and-cream ice cream at Bergey's with Mom and Kathryn
- witnessed the completion of Mom's book cart (more on that!)
- made progress on my furniture makeovers: prepared my dining chairs for painting and bought upholstery fabric; speared Dad's tire with my scattered upholstery tacks
13 June 2009

As you can tell, I spend nearly every thinking minute on household touches and decor. I am so excited about settling into my apartment in North Carolina in just a few weeks. Everything is coming together.
This here is a lovely example of using free walls for conversation or reading areas--Leslie Banker of Rhode Island set this space up in her dining room, making use of this space with her classically simple loveseat (it is gorgeous, isn't it?). The paneled walls set off her collection of prints beautifully and the bright red tones enliven the rich neutral scheme. You can find her house tour at Cookie Magazine.
11 June 2009

I was reading through one of my favorite design blogs, designsponge, and found this fabulous project for knotted trivets. Please take a peek at their site for instructions!
07 June 2009

Anything with drawers and labels catches my eye instantly, and I do think that a bit of this painted metal furniture can compliment a farmhouse-look interior. But perhaps that's just my own opinion.
05 June 2009
The Madison Ave:

The Broadway:

The Upper East Side:

The Midtown:

Imagine my delight when I saw that one of my favorite inspirational blogs is hosting a Shabby Apple giveaway for the darling Marseilles dress--click on the link below to see what an adorable dress this is!
02 June 2009

Oh the colors! One of the very best combinations, in my opinion.
Vintage Wedding Refashioned Frock GIVEAWAY!!!!
--its delicate pintucks, lace, buttons, and transparency create an absolutely charming frock.
01 June 2009

If I were to make a coffee table, I would cover the apron with four-by-four inch pressed tin tiles painted in an antique white, perhaps in a single row design like this

or this

But that will all come later. Right now I'm just looking for an inexpensive wooden coffee table with decent proportions. I will keep scanning craigslist or my lovely local thrift stores for that.
I'll also need some sort of desk, but as I don't really like sitting at one (start to get antsy), I've decided to look for a rolling cart instead, something that will hold my printer at the bottom, my various accessories like cd-drive, cords, keyboard in a drawer, and my laptop on the top. When I am done with it, I can just roll it away, out of sight. Now, carts are expensive so I'm toying with the idea of finding an end table with two shelves or a shelf and a drawer (even better) and putting casters on it. It seems like that would suit my needs well. Something along the lines of this, your typical second-hand end table, only with wheels (and painted white, of course)--

a few more needs
The kitchen, however, is quite understocked. I wrote out a list of what I'll need and phew! it's overwhelming. But I like finding that sort of thing and so will keep combing the thrift stores. Shall I write it out? Here goes...
*French press (Ikea 12-cup)
*tea kettle (K)
*1 airbake cookie sheet
*2 half-sheet pans (K)
*dutch oven (P)
*casserole dishes--square + rectangle, preferably with lids
*4 sets flatware + extra spoons (K?)
*large mixing bowl
*medium mixing bowl
*reusable food containers (jars with lids, flat stacking)
*bucket with lid
*cutting boards--large + small
*measuring cups
*measuring spoons
*bamboo spoons
*can opener
*2 square potholders (get batting Friday June 5th at Hancock's)
*napkins (cloth)
*hand mixer
*food processor (K)
*mop bucket
*dustpan (?)
*fly swatter
*soap dispenser for kitchen and bath
21 May 2009
...such confidence as this is ours through Christ before God. Not that we are competent in ourselves to claim anything for ourselves, but our competence comes from God. He has made us competent as ministers of a new covenant. (2 Corinthians 2:14-17;3:4-6a)
Is this not wonderful news?
20 May 2009
19 May 2009

18 May 2009
16 May 2009
But God has a way to make people right without the law. And God has now shown us that new way. The law and the prophets told us about this new way. God makes people right through their faith in Jesus Christ. God does this for all people who believe in Christ. All people are the same. All people have sinned and are not good enough for God's glory. People are made right with God by his grace (kindness). This is a free gift. (21-24)
Notice the short, strong sentences. When I visited Deaf churches a few years ago, I was struck by the strong phrasing and constant repetition used by the preachers as they taught their congregations the Word of God (as a fledgling student of ASL, I was certainly grateful!). Such techniques may sound awkward and elementary in written English, but in signed language, it makes sense and really is beautiful. I appreciate how the editors of this version of the Bible were mindful of that in bridging the two languages.*
*I think that some hearing people assume that sign language is simply English conveyed through gesture; ASL is, however, a completely different language with its own grammar, idioms, dialects (yes, dialects; experienced signers can tell which region a signer is from based on his or her accent). Thus most deaf/Deaf Americans are at least bilingual.
15 May 2009
Instant connection, particularly with her "artsy crafty, PENNY PINCHING" side. Look back on her site for some fashion inspiration and tutorials on copying expensive ready-made clothes (like some adorable pieces by anthropologie). In addition to her how-tos, she also has many many giveaways, either of pieces she's made or of guest giveaways. I saw this wonderful necklace by Persimmon Jewelry which she's giving away, and I couldn't resist entering. Check it out here:
Persimmon Jewelry Kline Necklace GUEST GIVEAWAY!!!!
10 May 2009
09 May 2009
Kristen and I are driving down to Chapel Hill on Monday to scope out the area and, most importantly, housing. I'll be so glad to have her guidance, for she's shopped for apartments many a time, and I've never done so. This year I'm only hoping to find some place that's reasonably safe and reasonably close to campus (biking distance, por favor?), but next year I hope to find a nicer, unfurnished apartment that I can set up as my own little nest, filled with the furniture and household items I've been collecting for years now. It will be so nice to use them!
the end of an age
I'm always amazed to hear about Dad's work, about the missions he's led and the responsibilities he's had. He doesn't talk about it much at home (with us kids, that is), for when he's home he's home and interested in the goings on here. But I appreciate these moments when I do get to hear a bit of what he's faced and conquered at sea or on shore from those who aren't constrained by modesty to reveal it. The constant refrain during the service and after was that he is a "fine man, principled, hard-working, committed, learned, and responsible, an able leader and mentor." Their casually slipped references and anecdotes hint at what he's accomplished in a way that inspires awe in me--he makes me proud to be his daughter!
02 May 2009
I should have realized that he's not the catch-and-fetch type when, asking him if he'd like to play this afternoon, I tossed the ball straight up only to hear it clout Mr. Reg on the underlip as it bounced right beneath him. The cheddar helped him forget his throbbing jaw but I did notice his gingerly grasp of the ball from there on after.
Thank goodness he's talented in so many other ways.
01 May 2009
And last night as I was driving back from my 2 am shift at the library, I saw a couple of deer scurrying across the road, just flashes of shadow. Apparently they love Regent University, for they are seen practically every night and some have been spotted even by the student union.
18 April 2009
I've got the fabric drying in the nice warm sun right now, and hopefully I will get to cut the dress out next week.
15 April 2009
07 April 2009
06 April 2009
- Make Your Own Patterns by Adele Margolis (1985)
- Pattern Drafting and Grading: Women's and Misses' Garment Design by M. Rohr (1968)
23 March 2009
Isn't that wonderful? In two years I'll be a librarian...
19 February 2009
be back in March!
10 February 2009
example: She sat perched upon the fence, the wind spinning tendrils across her sun-squinnying face.
09 February 2009
President Obama's Inauguration
President Obama was sworn into office placing his hand on Abraham Lincoln's Bible. That is the last Bible I would use to be sworn into office. You say, "Why? Didn't Lincoln's Emancipation Proclamation free your ancestors?" It all depends where they were living. Let's examine the document's text to see why.
President Abraham Lincoln issued the Emancipation Proclamation on January 1, 1863, which reads, "That on the first day of January, in the year of our Lord one thousand eight hundred and sixty-three, all persons held as slaves within any State or designated part of a State, the people whereof shall then be in rebellion against the United States, shall be then, thenceforward, and forever free …" The key phrase is "in rebellion against the United States" because slaves remained slaves in states not in rebellion.
The Proclamation is specific about the states where slaves were freed, to wit: "Arkansas, Texas, Louisiana, (except the Parishes of St. Bernard, Plaquemines, Jefferson, St. John, St. Charles, St. James Ascension, Assumption, Terrebonne, Lafourche, St. Mary, St. Martin, and Orleans, including the City of New Orleans) Mississippi, Alabama, Florida, Georgia, South Carolina, North Carolina, and Virginia, (except the forty-eight counties designated as West Virginia, and also the counties of Berkley, Accomac, Northampton, Elizabeth City, York, Princess Ann, and Norfolk, including the cities of Norfolk and Portsmouth), and which excepted parts, are for the present, left precisely as if this proclamation were not issued."
Slaves in the excepted Louisiana parishes were not freed because those parishes were not in rebellion. Neither were slaves in West Virginia. By the way, West Virginia's June 1863 admission as a state, formerly a part of Virginia, was a clear violation of the Constitution's Article IV, Section 3, that reads in part "but no new States shall be formed or erected within the jurisdiction of any other State; nor any State be formed by the Junction of two or more States, or parts of States, without the Consent of the Legislatures of the States concerned as well as of the Congress." But what the heck, Lincoln had much of the Constitution under siege by then.
The hypocrisy of Lincoln's Emancipation Proclamation came in for heavy criticism. His Secretary of State William Seward said, "We show our sympathy with slavery by emancipating slaves where we cannot reach them and holding them in bondage where we can set them free." The New York World wrote, "He has proclaimed emancipation only where he has notoriously no power to execute it. The exemption of the accessible parts of Louisiana, Tennessee, and Virginia renders the proclamation not merely futile, but ridiculous." The London Spectator mocked, "The principle (of the Proclamation) is not that a human being cannot justly own another, but that he cannot own him unless he is loyal to the United States." Lincoln admitted in a letter to his Treasury Secretary Salmon Chase that his proclamation had no legal justification. Lincoln's motivation for proclamation was the war was going badly for the Union and there was the possibility that England and other European powers, who had recently abolished slavery, might give the Confederacy economic and political aid, but would not do so if the war was seen as a war against slavery. An excellent reference for this period is "The Real Lincoln" by Loyola College of Maryland's economics Professor Thomas DiLorenzo.
President Obama can be forgiven for celebrating the hypocrisy of Abraham Lincoln because the victors of wars write their history and glorify the winners. The recognition that slavery is a despicable institution does not require hero worship of a president who made the largest contribution to the unraveling of our Constitution. After all when it is settled by brute force that states cannot secede, as they thought they had the right to in 1787, then the federal government can ride roughshod over states and their people's right -- in a word make meaningless the Ninth and Tenth Amendments.
Walter E. Williams is a professor of economics at George Mason University. To find out more about Walter E. Williams and read features by other Creators Syndicate writers and cartoonists, visit the Creators Syndicate Web page at